Thursday, June 27, 2019

Wearables for Good: Assisting the Nomadic Livestock Farmers of Kazakhstan

Samsung Electronics along with livestock management solution company Lives’Talk, is donating 700 wearable devices for the tracking of nomadic livestock to local farmers in Almaty, Kazakhstan. In commemoration of this event, on June 26 around 50 participants attended a donation event, including Salembaev Zangar, Almaty Branch Manager of Kazakh Invest and Sang-woo Han, Head of Samsung Electronics SECE.



The idea for a wearable device for nomadic livestock came about through Samsung Tomorrow Solutions (STS), a competition for social contribution endeavors hosted by Samsung Electronics. The winner of the 2017 STS Grand Prize, a project named ‘Lives’Talk’, was proposed by a team of members with previous experience of living in Kazakhstan as a way to mitigate one of the biggest challenges faced by Kazakh nomadic communities, this being the amount of time taken to source and retrieve livestock in rural areas.

Following their 2017 STS win, Lives’Talk launched as its own company in 2018. In order to then make their idea a reality, Lives’Talk worked with a team from the Samsung C-Lab, Samsung Electronics’ internal venture training center. The realized product is a device capable of being attached to the backs of livestock for sturdy transmission.

Keeping Track of Livestock For a Living

Finding livestock that have been put out to pasture in rural Kazakhstan is the primary job of many nomads, but given the expansive terrain of this farmland, many animals are lost to predators if not found by nightfall. Given the arduous nature of these risky yet crucial tasks faced in Kazakh livestock farming, the number of nomadic farmers is fast decreasing.

In order to help mitigate these problems, the Lives’Talk team came up with a wearable device for livestock that harnesses a GPS transmitter-receiver and relay for real-time livestock tracking and management. Not only does this device effectively reduce the amount of time taken to find livestock but it can also solve the issue of missing livestock. Furthermore, the device also converts livestock information collected in real time into data useful for managing the entire livestock farming process, from raising to selling.


Taking Action

Lives’Talk’s pilot wearable device for livestock project will take place over two months at 50 pastures in Mynjylyk and Boleksaz, the two nomadic areas near Almaty, Kazakhstan, following the donation of the devices by Lives’Talk and Samsung to the nomadic communities there.

Samsung is not only supporting Lives’Talk’s pilot project but has also dispatched employee volunteers to help realize the project. These employee volunteers will train the recipients of the livestock tracking devices on how to use the devices and their wider tech ecosystem, providing entrepreneurial advice to help the farmers in these communities become independent.

“Samsung Electronics endeavors to recognize and promote individual talent and ability to the end of generating solutions that can help people,” noted Sang-woo Han. “With these wearable devices for nomadic livestock and the volunteer efforts of our employees, we hope not only to solve an issue specific to these Kazakh areas but also to make the future of the residents brighter.”

For more information on Lives’Talk, please follow this link.

* This article was originally published here

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